
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Is Trying to Spring!

Although you wouldn't know it to look outside today (it is snowing - AGAIN!!!), Spring has officially (according to the calendar) arrived. Some of you are enjoying the change to warm breezes, sunshine on your face and trees in bloom all about. Others of us (in Utah) are still waiting ... but we know it is coming because the trees have buds and little crocuses are popping up from the dirt all over the place and they can't be wrong (can they?). Seriously though, we need the extra moisture and we know this can't go on forever so our hopes and spirits are high.
I just viewed Mike's videos of Becky's "Dancing With the Stars" performance. Thank you so much Michael! What a fun experience and I would have given them all 10"s! One judge commented that Big Blue made his partner look good but there's no question in my mind who was making it work here. Becky you are awesome and what fun you both shared with the audience. I also had the chance to attend the USU Ballroom Dance Teams' Spring performance of "Jungles". It was also full of fun and fabulous dancing. The highlight of the evening was a dance Becky did with her partner and just one other couple called "Shadow land." It was beautiful and very well-received by the audience. One particular Mother in the audience may have even shed a tear or two. I love to watch Becky dance and even when there is a whole stage full of dancers, she shines and draws all my attention.
Other great events this year ... of course the 2 week visit of Anne and Kason! What an amazing treat to have them here with us. I got to watch Anne be an awesome Mom - she is so patient and understanding with Kason. And Kason just loves her with all his heart and many slobbery hugs & kisses. Kason is delightful and full of fun and very tolerant of his Mom and Grandma and their obsession with shopping! Someday he hopes to have lots of cousins around when he visits to play with so he has an option to hanging out with just us women. It was very difficult to send them home again when the time came (all too fast). Especially since Anne was quite sick - I almost got on the plane with them. Anne, thanks for sharing that time with us and we daily recall those special memories of playing, swimming, shopping and loving you and Kason. Come again soon. We also wish Reed well with his new Job as a Financial Advisor for Edward, Jones. He starts training this week! Hurrah! We know you will do great and wish you every success.
Another sign that Spring has sprung - Eli has discovered Baseball! What fun to hear how he pretend plays. Eli is so sharp to catch on to everything around him. Be careful what you say and do Mom & Dad - Eli is learning! It is always great to hear how much Jeff is enjoying his studies - especially his lab rotations. He seems to be involved in some very cutting edge research and we couldn't be prouder. We are so pleased that your family has found such good friends and opportunities there in TN.
Becky and Mike will wind up their Spring semester at USU with finals the first week in May. Wow, that went by fast(for me at least). Becky still has one more performance with Dance Team and a competition in Las Vegas before she's through but even with all the dance rehearsals, etc. she is doing very well in all her classes. Mike has already secured housing for next Fall. Both will return home for the Summer and work, work, work ...
Well, I have gone on forever (again). It is just so nice to have a space where I can reach out to my family and let them each know how proud I am of who they are and the choices they make. I love each one of you and admire all that you do. Stay safe and in touch - ...XOMOMXO...

P.S. I will try to post some pics of all the events described above ASAP and I have a new Cookbook coming to tell you about in the Cooking Corner as soon as it arrives so watch for updates!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post Mom. It's fun to hear from you!