
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hello Family! Thanks to all who have taken time to contribute to this site this summer. Can you believe it is October 2009 already? I think I am in time shock. It goes by so quickly...
Becky and Mike returned to Utah State all too soon from a wonderful summer at home. We enjoyed having them home so much that the house feels especially empty now they are gone. Both are doing very well and seem very happy back in freezing cold Logan. I'll let them fill you in on details.
Our congrtas to Mike, Tammy and Jeff for successfully running half marathons in the last several weeks. I am so grateful you have all followed the example of your Dad in being physically active and fit. I know your quality of life will be better for it and so will your kid's as they learn from you. Way to go!
Dad and I loved visiting Anne and her family in VA. What a beautiful home and neighborhood they live in. Anne seemed to be over the worst of her morning sickness and was able to show us around to all kinds of great sites and local faire -- Jamestown, Yorktown, the Zoo, the Beach, Shopping, Fried Chicken (Yummmmm), the Norfolk navel base, Cotton & Tobacco (growing right alongside the road) and Peanuts. But the most spectacular part of the whole trip was being with Anne, Reed and Kason. We love you and think that Kason is the luckiest boy on Earth to have such great parents. Of course he is pretty amazing too. Thanks for making our stay just wonderful.
Now, we look forward to visiting Jeff and his family for Halloween. It means so much to us to be able to visit and get a clear feel for your homes and the places you live. It is also wonderful to catch up with our grandsons and see how much they have grown and learned. Hopefully, then when we Skype we won't just be disembodied images on a screen. We'll be Nanna and Grandpa who love being with you and sharing in your lives.
Well, time continues to move too fast. I have to go. But, take care and know we love each one of you and appreciate all you do to bless our lives. ...XOMOM&DADXO...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post! We loved having you, come any time! And that goes for everyone. We look forward to hearing about your trip to TN.